

molconstr Molecular Constructor 

Molecular Constructor is a free 3D editor for building molecules. It allows user to sketch a molecule, optimize its geometry and calculate charges on all atoms. A decade long C++ project with Win32 API, OOP, asynchronous rendering, DirectX, file parsing and WordPress website with a video tutorial. User-friendly and easy to use.

pic-molconstr-android Molecular Constructor for Android 

Android version of Molecular Constructor is available for a free download on Google Play. Using this application user can design a molecule and optimize its geometry at the same time.

pic-molconstr-ios Molecular Constructor for iOS 

iOS version of Molecular Constructor is available for a free download on the App Store. The app is identical to Android version.

job-status-informer Job Status Informer 

Job Status Informer is a C#/.NET notification application that monitors the status of computational jobs on the remote computer cluster, making the software development and debugging process more effective.

3dprinting-fig3 3D Printing 

I wrote a simple Matlab script that generates a STL file from 3D data cube. Using this script and prototyping machine at Marquette we printed a plastic model of potential energy surface of ozone molecule in APH coordinates.

pic-aphdemo APHDemo 

APHDemo is a small Windows application developed to demonstrate the essence of adiabatically adjusting, principal axes hyperspherical (APH) coordinates introduced by Russell T Pack in 1984.